Customer testimonials
Just some of our happy customers.
"We had a really robust discussion about the program yesterday afternoon and now that we have had almost 12 months exposure to the process, we are keen to keep moving forward as we are seeing real progress being made."

Cedars Christian College
Education sector
At a time when Navy needed to understand how well our Signature Behaviours were being embedded across our organisation, Appellon provided us with the means to do so. Appellon provided Navy with valuable measurement regarding how well our Signature Behaviours were being positively embraced and embedded within Navy's organisational culture. The outcomes provided Navy senior leaders with very important insights into the progress of one of the key outcomes of the New Generation Navy cultural reform program.”- Rear Admiral, Royal Australian Navy

Australian Navy
Leaders became far more effective at leading their teams. There was a shift from a competitive approach between teams to an effective model of working together to address issues. Long standing ‘wicked’ problems were able to be discussed in a non-blame environment and the approach supported a shift from
finding all of the reasons why the situation was as it was, to a discussion about strategies for resolution. Importantly the program helps leaders hold each other to account so that planning is converted into delivery and improvement.
finding all of the reasons why the situation was as it was, to a discussion about strategies for resolution. Importantly the program helps leaders hold each other to account so that planning is converted into delivery and improvement.

Northern Territory Government
COO, Top End Health Service
I have thought quite a lot about the difference I feel the last 2 years have made since implementing the 4WardLeadership and Culture Program. I really feel that the process that we as leaders have been through, has been enormously helpful. While the 4wardSignature Behaviours have worked well and are statements everyone, including myself, would sign up to, the thing that has made the most difference in my approach, my confidence in leadership, my personal strength and happiness is the wisdom in the workplace model."- Divisional Director and Consultant Cardiologist

I have to admit I was sceptical at first, but I firmly believe
the structure of the program and the support provided by Appellon was a significant contributor to our
success. The journey we embarked on back in 2017 guided us and helped us establish our “signature
behaviours”, embed them into our day to day actions and bring new employees on board aligned to our
culture. We saw some great examples of employees living the signature behaviours and also achieved
some outstanding business results.
the structure of the program and the support provided by Appellon was a significant contributor to our
success. The journey we embarked on back in 2017 guided us and helped us establish our “signature
behaviours”, embed them into our day to day actions and bring new employees on board aligned to our
culture. We saw some great examples of employees living the signature behaviours and also achieved
some outstanding business results.

Venues West
Chief Executive Officer
A healthy productive organisation needs a good Culture, a culture that aligns its staff and encourages collective achievement and common goal setting. Appellon Australasia provided WAPHA with the tools to manage and measure its culture and productivity by influencing a set of signature behaviours that align with our strategic intent. Appellon encouraged the development of
a team of Culture Advocates to drive a bottom up approach. All staff are empowered to think about how they influence business outcomes and develop solutions to organisational problems. The outcome being an engaged workforce that are committed to ensuring the success of the organisation.
a team of Culture Advocates to drive a bottom up approach. All staff are empowered to think about how they influence business outcomes and develop solutions to organisational problems. The outcome being an engaged workforce that are committed to ensuring the success of the organisation.

I have thought quite a lot about the difference I feel the last 2 years have made since implementing the 4WardLeadership and Culture Program. I really feel that the process that we as leaders have been through, has been enormously helpful. While the 4wardSignature Behaviours have worked well and are statements everyone, including myself, would sign up to, the thing that has made the most difference in my approach, my confidence in leadership, my personal strength and happiness is the wisdom in the workplace model.

National Health Service
After the first program I saw a dramatic difference in behaviours. I thought if the program can do this after one program, what can it do after multiple.

Commonwealth Bank Group Super
Appellon really inspired me… they hit the nail on the head saying that nobody works in Aged Care for money.
Working in Aged Care is a calling (this has been said many times). Tomorrow I will go in on my own time by choice
to sort out storage. It is an honour to have purpose and to have the opportunity to really make a difference .
Working in Aged Care is an honour. Appellon inspired me to not to be self-indulgent, but instead to really fulfill my
best while there is opportunity. People say I do too much and will burn out.
My policy is to give my best while I can. I know there is only so much I can give but I’m thankful. Everyone person
in Aged Care, I imagine is my relative. My father, mother, etc.
Working in Aged Care is a calling (this has been said many times). Tomorrow I will go in on my own time by choice
to sort out storage. It is an honour to have purpose and to have the opportunity to really make a difference .
Working in Aged Care is an honour. Appellon inspired me to not to be self-indulgent, but instead to really fulfill my
best while there is opportunity. People say I do too much and will burn out.
My policy is to give my best while I can. I know there is only so much I can give but I’m thankful. Everyone person
in Aged Care, I imagine is my relative. My father, mother, etc.

Lifestyle officer
Aged Care - "Through successful investment in cultural transformation, A client aged care provider saw improvements around staff retention and staff commitment, giving rise to improved care and improved experiences for residents. A direct consequence of the investment in cultural transformation was the positive effect on brand through recognitions received by numerous staff members for outstanding performance" - PwC Partner

The program can seem quite simple on a first assessment but the sound psychological principles challenge the personal assumptions and approaches that can inhibit progress. As leaders learnnew ways of working, improvement starts and the energy and optimism begins, creating further improvement.Health is both an extremely rewarding, but also very challenging, career. One of the absolute highlights has been to see leaders start to experience the satisfaction of improvement andthe joy coming back into their professional lives. I would highly recommend the Appellon program to other CEOs.”- Adelaide PHN CEO

Adelaide PHN
Hospital & Healthcare
Thank you so much for sharing such valuable advice and insights.
I love the content, and most of all I love the feeling of oxytocin release. Everyday I am making the choice of being positive, happy and content as I do not like the feeling of cortisol release. Wishing you a great weekend ahead.
I love the content, and most of all I love the feeling of oxytocin release. Everyday I am making the choice of being positive, happy and content as I do not like the feeling of cortisol release. Wishing you a great weekend ahead.

Human Resources Coordinator
The results of the initial survey and the reaction from staff generally, encouraged us to undertake the full transformational program. Having only just received the results of the initial leader program there is already positive vibe, a feeling of collectiveness and enthusiasm for the journey ahead from everyone in the executive team.

Chief Executive Officer